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At these 5 moments it is normal to be out of breath

At these 5 moments it is normal to be out of breath

Every time you walk up a flight of stairs panting, do you also make sure that you really start exercising more often? Great intention, but it is not at all surprising that you get out of breath by climbing stairs.

1. While climbing stairs

Climbing stairs is exhausting. It's similar to a vigorous workout, like doing vertical lunges. Although your condition is reasonably good, walking up a few stairs can leave you breathless. In addition, you are not always well prepared:if you are reading a good book and then you go upstairs to sleep, those stairs can suddenly seem a lot heavier.

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2. During a quiet work-out

You thought you were doing a gentle workout, but you're still out of breath. Your muscles need more oxygen to complete the exercises and therefore your heart and lungs have to work harder. Make sure you schedule enough rest days.

3. During or after sex

Sex can be like sport. In addition, being out of breath can be (a combination with) a physical or emotional reaction.

4. If you are at a great height

Not applicable in the Netherlands, but it can happen when you are traveling:if you are high, breathing becomes more difficult. The higher you are, the less oxygen there is in the air. If you're not used to that, you need to acclimatize.

5. During your pregnancy

You carry extra weight with you during your pregnancy, that alone has an impact. In addition, your body goes through other changes, including your blood volume will increase. As a result, you sometimes have to breathe a little deeper and you get out of breath faster. At the end of the pregnancy, the baby can press against the lungs, causing the lung capacity to become slightly smaller.