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Vaccine against Q fever available

Vaccine against Q fever available

Q-VAX, the Australian vaccine against Q fever, is now also available in the Netherlands.

People who because of specific cardiovascular diseases have an increased chance of becoming seriously ill for a long time with Q fever , are eligible for the vaccine. In doing so, the government is following the advice of the Health Council. People who belong to the risk group and who want to make use of the offer can contact their GP. The GP can then register you at the Vaxinostics research and vaccination center †

The vaccine is made available to humans who:

– have had an inflammation of the heart (endocarditis);
– Got a new heart valve (heart valve prosthesis);
– Have a congenital heart defect;
– Have a heart valve problem (aortic valve or mitral valve);
– Have a widening or bulging (aneurysm) of the vital artery (aorta);
– Or patients where part of the life artery (aorta) has been replaced by a plastic part (prosthesis).

The Health Council does not recommend vaccination for healthy people or for people with conditions other than those listed above. Also people who have previously had the Q fever bacteria have been in contact are not eligible for the vaccine.

More about the consequences of Q fever>