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Why do we sweat "profusely" under stress?

When we are under stress, perspiration can be expressed in several parts of the body such as the hands, feet, face or armpits. Various situations can be the source, such as a job interview, passing an exam or even a romantic date. How can a simple emotion cause such a reaction?

The neurovegetative system in question

Sweating is a phenomenon totally beyond our control , just like the heartbeat. However, stress can be a source of perspiration. The latter, managed by an autonomic nervous system – the neurovegetative system – can therefore occur in response to an intense emotional situation. In the event of stress, the neurovegetative system releases certain hormones such as catecholamines . Catecholamines are organic compounds synthesized from an amino acid:tyrosine.

You should know that the most common catecholamines are adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine. In case of stress, the level of catecholamines in the blood increases and intensely solicits the sweat glands . This therefore explains the cases of profuse perspiration such as cold sweats and sweaty hands, among others. Nevertheless, sweating related to stress can be triggered over the entire surface of the body . Moreover, besides stress, situations of anxiety and fear can also lead to this result.

Why do we sweat  profusely  under stress?

An unpleasant smell

Stress-related sweating can also cause a strong and rather unpleasant odor. According to dermatologist Fabien Guibal, our body will secrete sweat via the apocrine glands , located under the armpits as well as on the skin around the nipples and anus. It is a thick, milky sweat containing fatty substances and pheromones. Rich in nutrients, it promotes the development of bacteria ready to feed on it. Thus, the strong odor that we can release in the event of stress is the product of bacterial digestion.

By the way, you should know that the sweat that appears during physical exertion smells much less strongly. This is secreted by the eccrine glands, which we find everywhere on our skin. Important in regulating our body temperature, these glands cool the body by secreting sweat. However, the latter is not the same as in the event of stress because it evacuates not fatty substances and pheromones, but toxins and bacteria.

How to prevent it?

In a post on the DoctiPharma platform, Pharmacy doctor Sandrine Nail-Billaud explains how to prevent excessive sweating. One of the best ways to prevent the latter is still to control our stress . Indeed, the adrenaline that we secrete plays a big role in the sweating process. However, there are other tricks. For example, it can be about making the choice of a healthier diet , avoid alcohol, tobacco or coffee. We should also mention the wearing of appropriate clothing, made of natural materials (cotton, linen or wool). Finally, the toilet that we will perform on the most sensitive areas can also prevent excessive perspiration.