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Six super healthy vegetables

Several studies have the beneficial health effects of green fodder demonstrated. Below you will find a few of those power vegetables that you can easily use during the cooking ritual.

This tearjerker is good for heart and blood vessels and also has a beneficial effect on the cholesterol level in the blood.

The plant helps you control cholesterol levels hold. In addition, the artichoke stimulates the appetite and stimulates the liver and bile.

Ginger This native plant from tropical Asia is good for the stomach. It starts digestion and get more building blocks from your diet. Ginger can also help with nausea.

Just like other types of cabbage, broccoli is kind to the veins. There is sulfurane in, a substance that prevents plaque formation in the blood vessels.

Popeye used to tell us that spinach is good for the muscles because of the large amounts of iron that are in it, unfortunately turns out to be a myth. The vegetable does help to prevent blindness in the elderly † And when you eat this from childhood, it also counteracts the signs of skin aging.

This little clove is beneficial for heart and blood vessels † In addition, it is a source of carbohydrates, vitamins B, C and E and contains iron, potassium, sulfur, zinc and copper.