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10 signs that indicate that you are dehydrated.

10 signs that indicate that you are dehydrated.

According to a study, 62.2% of children have a deficit of hydration.

And for some children and teens, water is NOT part of their daily fluid intake AT ALL!

Furthermore, there is also a considerable number of adults who do not drink enough water.

Indeed, 76% of French people do not drink the recommended amount of water daily.

Not drinking enough water can cause serious health issues such as digestive upset, anxiety, and chronic fatigue.

10 signs that indicate that you are dehydrated.

Dehydration:a real danger

Water constitutes about 60% of our body, 75% of our muscles and 85% of our brain. What to take the dangers of dehydration very seriously…

Dehydration can inhibit the proper functioning of many parts of the body. Dehydration causes a feeling of lethargy, sickness and even depression.

Fortunately, if you know the signs, you can avoid dehydration before it causes even more serious complications.

Here are the 10 signs that indicate that you are dehydrated:

1. You have dry mouth, skin and eyes

Did you know that dry skin is one of the main signs of dehydration?

If you don't drink enough water, your body cannot eliminate all the toxins that attack it from inside and outside.

Result:Your pores are clogged, which subsequently causes breakouts .

If you have trouble crying, a lack of hydration could well be the cause.

Obviously, a dry mouth signals to your brain that you are short of water.

Water does a lot of good for our organism and, as a rule, this feeling of dryness in your mouth can also be felt in other areas of your body.

To discover: What to do against dry skin? Here are 6 Effective Home Remedies.

2. You rarely go to the toilet and your urine is dark yellow

This is a clear warning sign from your body to signify that it is lacking water.

Many people do not eliminate enough waste throughout the day and as a result, toxins build up in their bodies.

However, drinking enough water eliminates these toxins , not to mention the fact that it is also water that ensures kidney function.

Therefore, if you only go to the bathroom once or twice a day, it probably means that you should drink more water.

Also, the color of your urine is representative of the amount of water you drink. If, at the end of the day, the color of your urine is not light in color, consider drinking 1 or 2 glasses of water before going to bed.

Yellow or brown colored urine is a strong sign that your body is retaining water in order to meet the needs of its vital functions.

3. You often have back and joint pain

Cartilage is 80% water. After sweating, rehydration of the body is essential for healthy bones and joints.

Water acts as a lubricant on the joints , to protect your body during intense physical exertion and unexpected movements, such as a fall or a misstep.

In addition, back pain can also indicate kidney infection due to dehydration. Therefore, if you often have back pain, take care to drink more water throughout the day.

To discover: 20 Natural Painkillers You Already Have in Your Kitchen.

4. You are exhausted and have mood swings

Water brings oxygen to your body. And the more your cells are oxygenated, the healthier you will feel.

However, if you don't drink enough water, your body must draw on blood to compensate for its lack of oxygen.

Once its oxygen levels are reduced, your body will logically function at a reduced rate and all its functions are all the more difficult to ensure.

The result is inevitable:you're more tired, prone to mood swings and downright at the end of your rope.

To discover: 10 Proven Anti-Fatigue Tips.

5. You are hungry even after eating

10 signs that indicate that you are dehydrated.

This may seem contradictory, because normally the feeling of hunger indicates that one must eat. But precisely, it could also mean that you are dehydrated.

Why ? Because dehydration misleads your body into thinking you're hungry , while you just need to drink water.

The sensations of hunger and thirst are associated with the same area of ​​the brain, which could explain the confusion.

So next time you're hungry, try drinking a glass of water .

If the feeling of hunger disappears, it means that you were simply dehydrated. And if it persists, it probably means you should eat something too.

To discover: The EASIEST and MOST SATISFYING Salad You Can Make.

6. You have high blood pressure

One of the effects of dehydration is thickening of the blood , which slows blood circulation and increases sodium levels.

All of these factors added together create an environment conducive to high blood pressure.

And unfortunately, it can also lead to other health problems mentioned in this list.

To discover: 5 Super Foods That Lower Hypertension.

7. You have high cholesterol

When one is dehydrated, the body tries in all possible ways to retain water to avoid the slightest loss of water.

In this study, 15 participants fasted under 2 different conditions:one group fasted without any hydration and the second group fasted with sodium and water intake.

Results indicate that people who fast without hydration have significantly higher cholesterol levels than people who fast with water and salt intake.

Fortunately, most people who fast continue to hydrate.

But drinking sugary, nutrient-poor drinks instead of water throughout the day can cause dehydration and, therefore, higher cholesterol levels.

To discover: How to Lower Your Cholesterol Level? The 7 Natural Anti-Cholesterol Remedies.

8. You have trouble digesting

Water facilitates the transport of materials throughout the body, including your digestive tract. It has a powerful power:cleanse and detoxify the body .

Without water, waste passes through the colon much more slowly, which can lead to constipation and many other digestive disorders.

Water facilitates the transport of products through the digestive tract. But when the body is dehydrated, the large intestine absorbs water from the food you eat.

Consequently, it increases the risk of constipation, heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux disease), ulcers and other digestive disorders.

To discover: The 11 Natural Remedies To Know For Constipation.

9. You often have rashes

It is logical that the damage of dehydration also appears on the surface of our body.

Why ? Because water hydrates and detoxifies all parts of the body , including the skin.

Without sufficient hydration, toxins accumulate on our skin, leading to a large number of skin disorders.

Acne, psoriasis, eczema and pigmentary disorders can all be caused by dehydration.

To discover: 17 Incredible Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Health.

10. You suffer from migraines and you find it difficult to think clearly

Dehydration can even lead to water loss from brain tissue, which leads the brain to shrink and pull on the walls of the skull .

As a result, an alarm signal is sent to the pain receptors that surround the brain, causing those awful daytime headaches.

And because dehydration decreases blood volume (the total volume of blood circulating in the body), this means that there is less blood and less oxygen circulating to the brain.

Blood vessels in the brain dilate to continue pumping blood, which leads to inflammation and severe headaches from which far too many people suffer.

To discover: My 11 Tried and Proven Natural Headache Tips.

How do you know if you've had enough to drink during the day?

As you will have understood, it is essential to be well hydrated and to drink throughout the day to be in good health. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day.

The problem is that sometimes we simply forget to drink because we are busy with work. And we don't necessarily remember the last time we drank.

Fortunately, there is a trick to know if you are drinking enough throughout the day.

For this, it is enough to take 2 bottles of water of at least 500 ml and write on them the times when you need to drink water. Click here to see the trick in detail.