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Is drinking coffee after 4 p.m. a problem for getting to sleep?

That's no big deal:coffee is widely consumed around the world. A real morning boost, it can also be consumed at different times of the day. However, many aficionados refuse to drink it after a certain hour, for fear that the caffeine will interfere with their sleep.

A simple received idea?

No less than 255 kg of coffee is consumed on average every second in the world. In France, according to a 2018 IFOP survey, 83% of citizens consume coffee, including 62% at breakfast. On average, the French consume 482 cups of coffee per year and per person. It must be said that this drink contains a psychotropic stimulant:caffeine, allowing you to last all day. However, many consumers stop drinking coffee after 4 p.m. In the collective unconscious, the drink would prevent sleep if consumed too late.

An article published by Metro UK on March 13, 2021 gave the floor to Verena Senn, a German neuroscientist and sleep specialist at Emma – The Sleep Company, a sleep clinic. The interested party explains that the mechanism of coffee capable of keeping us awake during the day does not necessarily prevent sleep . Not wanting to drink coffee especially after 4 p.m. – to help you sleep better at night – is just popular belief.

Is drinking coffee after 4 p.m. a problem for getting to sleep?

Shades that matter

According to Verena Senn, individuals expend energy during their daily activities. As a result, they increase the production of adenosine , a substance that blocks certain areas of the brain that promote wakefulness. At the same time, adenosine activates the areas that help sleep. However, caffeine slightly prevents the activation of these areas. This has the effect of inhibiting the effect of fatigue and increasing alertness.

Coffee can therefore influence sleep by prolonging the sleep onset phase. It can also be a question of a reduction in the duration of sleep, or even an alteration in its quality. However, Verena Senn asserts that this is not valid for all organisms . Humans are therefore not all in the same boat when it comes to the effects of coffee.

In other words, some people might drink a cup of coffee at 11 p.m. and not feel any discomfort. Others, however, would have no choice but to consume it only in the morning. However, the time of the coffee is one thing and the quantity consumed is another. Indeed, consuming the equivalent of a whole coffee maker during the day instead of one or two cups is much more risky for sleep!