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Run at least once a week to live longer!

Looking for extra motivation to start (or keep) running? A new study reveals that no matter how many sessions, you reduce the risk of premature death by more than 25%.

We know that running keeps our cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) healthy. This will also reduce the risk of premature death. However, until now, it was not clear whether the duration or the intensity of the race mattered. Some studies have suggested it does. In contrast, others have argued that too much exercise (more than 250 minutes per week) may actually negate any mortality benefit.

To try to see this a little more clearly, researchers at the University of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, conducted a meta-analysis. In other words, they reviewed several studies already published on the subject to see if clear results could emerge. You will find the details of this study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Fourteen studies were analyzed as part of this work. All had asked participants about their running habits and all followed their health over a period ranging from 5 to 35 years. A total of 232,149 people were interviewed and at the end of all these studies, 25,951 died.

Based on these results, the researchers then tried to bring out statistical associations linking running and the risk of premature death.

Run at least once a week to live longer!

Risk reduced by 27%

An interesting fact finally emerged:everyone who ran, even even once a week, had a reduced risk of premature death of about 27 %.

"All doses of running were significantly associated with a lower risk of death “, can we read in the study. “There was no significant difference between frequency, duration, or rate ". In other words, running 45 "quiet" minutes per week or 45 "full" minutes per day will have the same effects on mortality risk.

This is good news for the many adults who struggle to find time to exercise "; comments Elaine Murtagh, of Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, Ireland. "So any race is better than no race at all" . As you will have understood, any physical activity that you can integrate into your schedule will be good to take. There are no more excuses!

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