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How a power nap contributes to a longer and healthier life

Napping more often can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and increase your life expectancy. Although not enough research has been done on what happens in the body during a power nap, experts no longer doubt the positive effects of short sleep.

Ideal duration:ten to twenty minutes

From improved performance and productivity to a balanced mood, these effects occur in the short term. But there are a few things to consider in between for an ideal sleep:a power nap lasts a maximum of 20 minutes. According to researchers at Flinders University in Australia, ten minutes is enough to achieve the optimal effect.

Not too much, not too late

Those who sleep longer, on the other hand, risk slipping into what is known as REM or dream sleep and then feel more tired than before. The nap should also take place well before 6 pm, preferably in the afternoon after dinner or in the early afternoon to avoid sleep disturbances.