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Even if your partner snores, it's better to sleep together

Even if your partner snores, it s better to sleep together

Oh no; there he goes again with his snoring! You prefer to sprint to the guest bed to get rid of that noise. Still, you better not do that…

A restless bed partner who also makes a lot of noise is bad for your night's sleep. Nevertheless, research shows that it is better not to flee to a guest bed or the couch, but to just continue to sleep together.

Co-sleeping is good for your REM sleep. Those who sleep together have a longer REM sleep that is also less interrupted.

Read also: 'All that snoring:time for a 'sleep separation''


REM sleep is important for processing your emotions and is characterized by vivid dreams. Furthermore, REM sleep is important for your memory, your social interactions and has a positive effect on your problem-solving ability.


According to researcher Henning Drews, co-sleeping is better because it's a way to better regulate your temperature during REM sleep. During this phase of your sleep, your body is less able to maintain your temperature. The presence of a bed partner can help stabilize your body temperature.

Safe environment

But it is also better for your REM sleep to sleep together, because you create a safer and more relaxed environment, so you sleep better again

And a better night's sleep is good for your health. So well, that snoring… You have to be willing to do that!