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Bah:kitchen sponge contains more bacteria than toilet seat

Bah:kitchen sponge contains more bacteria than toilet seat

Just a sponge over the counter and clean! You would have thought so. A kitchen sponge contains more bacteria than a toilet seat!

Research in Germany shows that a kitchen sponge is a breeding ground for bacteria. An analysis of fourteen used sponges collected from residents of a German city revealed no fewer than 362 different bacteria with a concentration of up to 54 billion (!) bacteria per cubic centimeter.

More than half of these bacteria can potentially cause disease in humans. Fortunately, there were no bacteria that could cause food poisoning.

Read also: '8 tips for good hygiene in the kitchen'

Don't panic

Still, there is no reason to panic. Even if you think of all kinds of scary diseases when you think of bacteria, there are also a lot of bacteria on people themselves. And the majority of bacteria do not lead to diseases.


The tip to keep your kitchen as clean as possible:regularly replace your kitchen sponge with a new one!

Source:Health Sciences