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6 Easy Tips To Relax Right Away.

6 Easy Tips To Relax Right Away.

Between the work that has resumed and your bank statement that is gloomy, it's normal for you to feel stressed.

The first step is to remember that all of this will pass.

May better days come.

The second step is to use these 6 ingenious tricks to keep your cool and relax quickly:

6 Easy Tips To Relax Right Away.

1. Dab cold water behind your ears

Or on your wrists. These parts of the body have plenty of veins running through them. By cooling them, you can calm your whole body.

2. Sniff an orange

American scientific studies have shown that the scent of a peeled orange can significantly reduce stress and prevent mood swings.

3. Learn this breathing technique

Try the technique called 4-7-8 from Doctor Andrew Weil. It calms the nerves quickly. Here's how:Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds.

4. Eat a mango

Tasting this tropical fruit can help you relax thanks to a compound it contains, linalool. Plus, you can imagine yourself on a nice quiet beach when you eat it.

5. Do some cardio

Whether it's a walk around the block or a longer jog in a park, any type of cardio is an effective way to relieve stress and improve your mood. Plus, you're exercising at the same time.

6. Count backwards

It may sound weird, but forcing yourself to focus on the numbers from 100 to 0 helps your mind stop thinking about your problems and therefore relax.