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Soothe Itchy Chicken Pox in a Linden Bath.

Soothe Itchy Chicken Pox in a Linden Bath.

Our grandmothers used plants a lot for healing in the past. It is a natural and effective way to deal with our daily worries without abusing medication. And saving money!

A trick to soothe itching from chickenpox, it's the linden bath. Embellished with powdered green clay, it is a real treat for relieving the sick.

Linden, a Soothing Plant

Soothe Itchy Chicken Pox in a Linden Bath.

Linden has soothing properties very effective. Here's how:

- Boil ten linden leaves for 15 minutes.

- Add this infusion to the patient's bath water.

- Also add 2 glasses of powdered green clay (Amazon link).

Gently rub the whole body directly with the green clay, then let it enjoy the benefits of this soothing bath.

Did you know the soothing virtues of linden? Share with us in the comments your tips on the subject!