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Vitamin pills you need to get through the winter

It's getting pretty cold, and winter is just around the corner. Winter ensures that we have less energy and our resistance goes down, which means that the flu is lurking. However, many of these common winter ailments are caused by deficiencies in vitamins or minerals. That is why it is necessary to take vitamin pills to get through the cold winter months. We list them here.

1. Vitamin C
One of the first vitamins that comes to mind when it gets colder is vitamin C. Vitamin C has an antioxidant function, and is needed when vegetables and fruits that boost immunity are scarce and to boost your resistance to give/support a boost. Vitamin C is found in fruits, vegetables and potatoes, especially in cabbages, citrus fruits, kiwis, berries and strawberries. If you are not getting enough, it is wise to take vitamin C supplements regularly.

2. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is very important for the growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. In addition, vitamin D plays a role in the proper functioning of the muscles and the immune system. The most important source of vitamin D is the sun, but we often do not see it or not sufficiently in the winter. Vitamin D is also found in oily fish, but we do not eat enough of it. Supplementing with supplements is therefore important.

3. Iron
If your body is low in iron, you may feel tired, have pale skin, and be quickly out of breath. A lack of iron leads to anemia – where the body is unable to transport oxygen throughout the body. Iron is mainly found in red meat, but also in bread and whole grain products, legumes, nuts and dark green vegetables. People who do not eat red meat or who suffer from a lot of blood loss during menstruation are recommended to take iron supplements.

4. Vitamin A
If you have little iron in your body, chances are you also have little vitamin A. Vitamin A is good for the skin, eyes, growth and resistance, and is necessary for the production of cells and the tissue structure of the skin. Vitamin A is found in animal products such as meat and meat products, dairy products, fish and egg yolk. But also in certain fruits and vegetables.

5. Multivitamins
We don't get enough nutrients from our food alone. That is why multivitamins are recommended. A multivitamin is ideal because you need a lot of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. Check which types are in it, because then you know which other vitamins you no longer need to take.

You can buy these and more vitamins at