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Famke Louise and Diederik Gommers launch social media campaign

Famke Louise and Diederik Gommers launch social media campaign

Famke Louise learned something from Diederik Gommers about corona and Diederik learned something from Famke about how to influence young people. Now they are starting a social media campaign together to reach young people when it comes to the fight against the corona virus.

After the performance of rapper and influencer Famke in the Jinek program, in which she explained why she participated in #ikdoenietmeere, and the way in which the chairman of the Dutch Association for Intensive Care, Gommers responded to this, a new collaboration has resulted. Because what became clear was that the young people were not being reached in the right way when it comes to the fight against the corona virus.

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Gommers invited Famke to see if they could find a solution and that's how it happened. The meeting ensured that the two joined forces and that Gommers opened his own Instagram account where he now has more than 200,000 followers.

Social media campaign

But more importantly, both will start a social media campaign in which young people will have the opportunity to ask experts about the corona virus and the measures that have been taken. Part of the campaign is also a mouth cap line. In Jinek, the two will explain more about their collaboration. So watch Jinek on RTL4 on Monday evening at 21:38.