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Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

Cold water is good for your health!

I'll explain why and how with 6 effective and free tips based on a method from Germany.

From headaches to insomnia to period pains, cold water will really relieve you.

A Famous Method in Germany

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

Cold water, good for health? Yes. It's not me who says it, it's Sébastien Kneipp, a German abbot who managed to cure his tuberculosis by applying this principle in 1847...

On the strength of this first conclusive trial, he continued his research in hydrotherapy, wrote books, and even treated the pope of the time with his method.

In Germany, he was nicknamed the "water doctor ". Even today, many spa centers rely on his advice, and many care products such as herbal teas, soaps, bath oils, bear the effigy of Abbot Kneipp.

Why Does It Work?

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

This method works because it is based on 2 main principles :

1. Cold water rebalancing the body:it removes excess heat and sweat, makes the body produce its own energy by eliminating thus fats and toxins.

Combined with hot water, which comes just to top up the benefits of cold water, it causes the blood vessels to dilate (hot/cold contrast):this has a beneficial effect on the heart, liver, stomach, hormonal system and immune system.

2. Treatments must be local :each problem can be treated by choosing a very specific part of the body. The area is thus decongested, but the effect goes beyond this area, following somewhat the same principle as acupuncture.

However, you can take cold showers all over the body 2 or 3 times a week upon waking, for about 1 minute, which is a great way to maintain your shape.

Here are now 6 situations where you can effectively apply this method.

1. Against Stress

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

Are you stressed? In this case, a cold shower on the thighs will do you the greatest good. For details, read the full tip here.

2. To Lighten Heavy Legs

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

You can also use the cold shower to relieve legs heavy, by following the instructions given in this article:you will see, in a few minutes, you will be in great shape!

3. Against Headaches

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

For headaches and the beginnings of migraine, a simple jet of cold water around the face will do as much if not more good than drugs which, in addition, often have undesirable effects. Feel free to follow the instructions here.

4. Against Insomnia

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

Cold water and insomnia, do you think it's a weird combination? Think again ! Here, no more shower, but a foot bath cold... Quickly see the explanations in this tip.

5. To relieve stomach aches

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

The famous sitz bath has been talked about a lot:here it is again, and frankly, against stomach aches and particularly menstrual pain, it can be a real solution. Find out more in detail here.

6. Against Fatigue

Healing with Cold Water:6 Effective and Free Tips.

Who would believe that bathing arms in cold water can fight fatigue? Well, you just have to try to be convinced. To know how to proceed, go quickly to see my detailed tip there!

Now you know that cold water can be a solution, effective and very economical , against at least 6 common ailments :these baths or showers should be practiced as often as necessary, until disappearance of the problem that you identified.

And above all, let us know in your comments about the effects, which we hope will be positive!