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Something to make makeup easier.

Something to make makeup easier.

The trick to getting ready before going out is to make up before doing your hair, to obtain an impeccable result.

To make yourself look beautiful, what do you start with?

Certain areas of the face are less accessible when we have our hair done, because we tend to leave our hair or a few strands loose.

It is better to start with makeup. Every day, I tie my hair with a rubber band or a headband before applying makeup. If you've shampooed your hair, you just keep the towel on your hair after you get out of the shower. It will mop them up, which will avoid getting water everywhere.

When the face is clear, it's much easier to apply items such as foundation, loose powder or blush to make up your cheeks.

In addition, you will see that we save time with this make-up advice since you save additional gestures like lifting your hair by hand each time, to avoid putting make-up everywhere!

Once the make-up session is over, you are in peace. You can dry your hair and style your hair however you like without any problem! And always keep a barrette or 2 on you for makeup fittings during the day!

Something to make makeup easier.

Savings Achieved

The hair does not block the face when applying make-up before doing your hair. Having an overview of the appearance of your skin is THE thing that avoids wasting your products.

We dose reasonably make-up, which helps us not to abuse foundation or mascara, which are fairly expensive cosmetics. So you might as well refuel as little as possible to save savings !

The make-up before the hairstyle, have you tried it? Tell us what you like or dislike in the comments!