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Tip from Marianne Timmer:Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables

Tip from Marianne Timmer:Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Marianne shares a tip every day to stay fit with Santé.

Marianne: 'Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamin C, do not contain much energy and give a feeling of satiety due to the dietary fiber. The vitamin C increases the resistance of your body and makes you less likely to get sick.

Eating 2 pieces of fruit and 200 grams of vegetables per day reduces the risk of diseases of affluence, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer by 50 to 60%.

Canned vegetables generally contain as many vitamins as fresh vegetables, but also because of this, chemical additions are often made to guarantee the shelf life. Fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables are therefore always better.

Nitrate occurs in vegetables, especially in leafy vegetables such as endive, lettuce and spinach, but also in red beets, pointed cabbage, Chinese cabbage and celery. Nitrate is harmless in itself, but it can be converted into nitrite and our body can convert that into nitrosamine, which is a carcinogen. Withered and reheated vegetables may contain nitrite.

Vegetables and fruits contain antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body against harmful substances and against 'free radicals', and they prevent the signs of aging. Antioxidants include vitamins C and E. Bananas contain many antioxidants and are full of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, making them an important source of energy for the brain.'