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19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

That's the horror:you're anxious, crazy with worry and in a state of total panic.

You worry about everything and nothing:money, your job, your health or your love affairs.

Your heart is beating at 100 an hour.

Your breathing is short and jerky.

You always have a lump in your stomach.

Do you have difficulty swallowing due to stress or contractures?

In your head, you imagine the worst possible scenarios.

All you would like is to return to a normal, relaxed and peaceful state

So what can you do to fight anxiety without drugs and without a prescription?

Do you know the natural remedies to reduce nervousness and de-stress naturally?

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Whether it's a real anxiety disorder or a minor anxiety attack, you may not want to take medication...

At least not right away.

You are right ! Because there are natural remedies, without any danger to your health. And no need for Euphytosis!

These natural treatments can really help you with anxiety and irritability.

These remedies are varied.

There's no one way to get out of anxiety... But a whole variety of tips!

It can be exercises to calm your body and calm your mind...

Or food supplements or simple infusions of medicinal plants with beneficial properties.

Some of these remedies act immediately on short-term anxiety.

Others decrease your long-term state of anxiety.

Without further ado, here are the 19 natural remedies to fight against anxiety:

1. Chamomile

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

When you feel restless, drink a good cup of chamomile to relax.

It is an excellent grandmother's remedy to overcome anxiety naturally. It is one of the anti-stress plants.

According to this study, the chemical constituents of chamomile (Matricaria recutita ) bind to the same receptors as synthetic drugs used to treat anxiety, such as Valium.

To enjoy the benefits of chamomile, you can also take it as a dietary supplement.

These are standardized capsules containing 1.2% apigenin, the active ingredient in chamomile flowers.

The effectiveness of these capsules has been proven in this study on patients who suffered from generalized anxiety disorders.

Researchers observed a significant drop in symptoms in patients after just 8 weeks of natural chamomile treatment.

To buy it now, we recommend this food supplement based on chamomile.

2. Green tea theanine

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

It is said that Japanese Buddhist monks could meditate for hours on end, remaining alert and relaxed.

A possible explanation would be the amino acid, called "theanine" , found in green tea that these monks used to drink throughout the day

Indeed, theanine is known to regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

Several studies on human subjects indicate that theanine also helps relieve anxiety.

According to this study, anxious people are calmer and more attentive after a treatment with 200 mg of theanine.

You can get the equivalent of 200 mg of theanine by drinking green tea.

But you will have to drink several cups, like the Japanese monks (depending on the intensity of the green tea, between 5 and 20 cups).

To get it now, we recommend this organic green tea.

To discover: 11 Green Tea Benefits You Didn't Know About.

3. Hops

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Yes, it is indeed the hops found in beer.

But it's not by drinking a beer that you will be able to enjoy the soothing benefits of hops (Humulus lupulus ).

The calming chemical compound in hops is a volatile oil .

To benefit from it, it is necessary to follow a treatment based on hop extract or mother tincture of hops.

But you can also follow an aromatherapy with hop flower pillows, which diffuse its aromatic compounds.

Hops have a particularly bitter taste.

As a result, few people choose to take it as an infusion, unless it is mixed with chamomile or mint.

Associated with valerian, hops are often used as a natural sedative. It is a natural product against stress and anxiety.

Note: if you are already taking synthetic sedatives, do not follow any natural treatment with sedative properties.

Always consult your doctor before ingesting herbal extracts or dietary supplements.

To buy some now, we recommend this pillow of hop flowers from Flanders and these drops of certified organic hop mother tincture.

4. Valerian

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Some herbal supplements can reduce your state of anxiety without putting you to sleep.

This is the case, for example, of theanine.

Other supplements have sedative properties , as is clearly the case with valerian (Valeriana officinalis ).

Thanks to its high content of chemical components with sedative effects, valerian is frequently used as a sleeping pill.

It helps in the fight against insomnia.

By the way, the German state has officially approved the use of this plant to treat sleep disorders.

Valerian does not have a very pleasant scent.

Therefore, most people prefer capsules or mother tinctures over valerian infusions.

It is often combined with other herbs with sedative properties, such as hops, chamomile and lemon balm.

Note: if you are taking valerian, take it at night, before going to bed — but especially not before going to work!

To buy now, we recommend this organic valerian mother tincture and these organic valerian capsules.

5. Lemon balm

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Lemon balm is one of the effective plants against stress and anxiety.

The name of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) comes to us from the Greek word "bee".

This medicinal plant has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress, relieve anxiety and fight sleep disorders.

According to this study, people who take 600 mg of lemon balm extract are calmer and more alert.

You can find lemon balm in the form of an infusion, in capsules or in mother tincture.

It is often mixed with hops, chamomile and valerian.

Note: This plant is considered a safe natural treatment.

But other studies indicate that taking too much lemon balm can have the opposite effect and cause anxiety.

Therefore, take care to carefully follow the indicated dosages. And always start your treatment with the lowest recommended dose.

To buy now, we recommend this mother tincture of lemon balm.

6. Sports

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

To combat anxiety naturally , the sport is a risk-free activity that is extremely beneficial to your brain health.

Against depression and anxiety, sport is a formidable antidote with immediate and lasting long-term effects.

It is definitely the best natural remedy for anxiety.

Doctors are unanimous about the benefits of sport on anxiety.

It can really help make an anxiety attack go away.

Because practicing sport regularly increases self-confidence and the feeling of well-being.

One of the greatest sources of anxiety is our fear of having an illness or poor health.

However, all these fears dissipate when you are in good shape thanks to sport.

To discover: Plank Exercise:The 7 Incredible Benefits For Your Body.

7. The remedy in 21 min

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

21 short minutes . According to studies, that's all the time it takes, to within 1/2 min, for sport to reduce our anxiety.

When you feel anxious, just try going for a run.

Indeed, according to several doctors, 20 short minutes of sport calm and soothe anxiety.

More specifically, doctors recommend doing between 20 and 30 minutes of sports activities that increase the heart rate.

You are spoiled for choice:treadmill, elliptical trainer, stepper, etc.

Choose what you want.

The most important thing is to be able to evacuate and eliminate your stress. It's a good way to control your anxiety and get rid of it.

If you no longer play sports, maybe it would be a good opportunity to resume an activity that you practiced in your youth?

For example, did you row in your youth? So go for 20 min rowing.

And if it's been a long time since you've exercised, doctors recommend starting with brisk walking.

8. Passionflower

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata ) is also known as the “passion flower”.

It is a plant that you can use for its sedative properties .

This medicinal plant has been officially recognized as a natural treatment by the German state.

This natural sedative can help people who suffer from anxiety and nervous agitations.

According to several studies, passion flower is as effective as synthetic drugs in reducing the effects of anxiety.

It is also used to fight against insomnia. A real natural tranquilizer!

Note: like all sedatives, the passion flower causes a pronounced state of drowsiness.

As already explained, do not take passion flower treatment if you are already taking synthetic sedatives.

The same goes for other sedative natural herbal treatments...

Whether passion flower, valerian, hops, kava, lemon balm, lemongrass, etc.

Be careful when mixing natural herbs with sedative effects.

Finally, never follow a passion flower treatment for more than 30 days.

To buy now, we recommend this passionflower mother tincture.

9. Lavender

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

This plant is best known for its intoxicating fragrance.

But did you know that one of the varieties of lavender, Lavandula hybrida , is also known for its “emotional anti-inflammatory properties. ?

It is indeed well known in herbal medicine to fight against stress, anxiety and anxiety.

It is a powerful natural anti-stress.

Indeed, according to this study on anxiety, people in the dentist's waiting room are less anxious when a scent of lavender emerges in the room.

In another study, students who sniffed lavender before taking an exam felt less anxiety than students who didn't.

Finally, according to this study carried out in Germany, a special medicine based on lavender reduces the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.

This natural medicine is as effective as the synthetic drugs that are prescribed in the treatment of this psychiatric condition.

Therefore, lavender can compete with drugs such as lorazepam.

This is marketed as Ativan which is in the same class of drugs as Valium.

To discover: The Health Benefits of Lavender in 6 Essential Recipes!

10. Hold your breath!

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

And now exhale...

No, this is not advice to make your face turn purple :-).

yoga breathing exercises are particularly effective in reducing stress and anxiety levels.

In his bestseller Spontaneous Happiness , Dr. Andrew Weil has developed a yoga-based breathing technique called the 4-7-8 method.

By the way, we talked to you here.

This technique works because it is impossible to breathe deeply and be in a state of anxiety at the same time.

To do this exercise, exhale all the air in your lungs through your mouth.

Then close your mouth and inhale slowly through your nostrils for a count of 4.

Then, hold your breath, counting to 7.

Now exhale slowly through your mouth, counting to 8. Repeat the exercise at least 2 times a day.

To discover: How To Fall Asleep In Under 1 Minute With A Simple Breathing Exercise.

11. Eat something now!

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Most people become anxious and irritable when hungry.

However, a state of anxiety can mean a drop in your blood sugar level.

If so, the best thing to do is to recharge your batteries with an energizing snack.

For example, try snacking on a handful of nuts or a piece of chocolate, accompanied by a large glass of water or a good cup of tea.

According to doctors, a healthy diet is essential to be able to fight against anxiety in the long term.

They advise giving preference to vegetables, carefully selecting the meat and fish you eat.

And consider adding more leafy green vegetables to your diet (like kale, for example).

The idea is to increase your intake of folic acid (vitamin B9) and essential nutrients that help reduce anxiety.

12. Don't skip breakfast

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Any doctor will tell you that starving yourself should be avoided at all costs.

However, many people who suffer from anxiety do not take the time to eat breakfast.

That is why it is advisable for everyone to eat eggs in the morning.

Because they are rich in protein satiating and are THE best natural source of choline.

Too little choline intake is known to be associated with higher levels of anxiety.

The egg is therefore a natural food against anxiety.

To discover: 7 Reasons Why You Should Have Eggs for Breakfast.

13. Eat foods rich in omega-3s

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Did you know that grass fish are highly beneficial to your heart health?

Additionally, they are believed to help fight depression .

Among the benefits of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, we also note its ability to fight against anxiety.

In this study, researchers added 2.5 mg of omega-3 fatty acids to the diets of groups of college students over a 12-week period.

They found that students with a high omega-3 intake felt less anxiety before taking an exam than students without an omega-3 intake.

For experts, it is important that our intake of omega-3 comes from our diet.

The best natural sources of fatty acids are fatty fish that live in cold water, such as salmon.

To give you an idea, 100 g of wild salmon contains 2.3 g of omega-3 fatty acids.

Other good choices for omega-3-rich fish are anchovies, sardines, and mussels.

To buy now, we recommend these omega-3 fatty acids of marine origin.

14. Say no to “catastrophic thinking”

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

When you're in the grip of anxiety, you tend to fall into a "catastrophic thinking" mentality.

In our mind, we imagine the worst scenarios, the most horrible things, unbearable things.

And above all, we are horrified by the thought that these things could turn into reality and ruin our life forever.

If you are plagued by these kinds of thoughts, take a deep breath and go for a walk.

Now think about the probability of the problem you are concerned about.

What are the odds that he can really there be a disaster?

That you really lose your job?

That your sister doesn't really talk to you never again

? That you don't really no more money at all?

Catastrophic thoughts occur when you feel anxious.

But in fact, it is very unlikely that they will turn into reality.

Remember that the events that really change the trajectory of our lives are very rare.

To discover: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Never Do.

15. Warm up your body

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Do you know why we feel this feeling of calm after a sauna or hammam session?

Several studies indicate that warming up the body relaxes the muscles and reduces anxiety.

According to this study, the sensation of heat can modify the neural circuits associated with mood.

These include the circuits that produce the neurotransmitter serotonin.

Perhaps this explains why activities that warm up the body improve our mood and reduce our anxiety.

This is particularly the case with sports or a good fire.

Here is the conclusion of the researchers of another study on this subject:

"Whether it's sunbathing in the Caribbean, a short session in the sauna or hammam after work or even a hot bath at the end of the day, we tend to associate the warmth to a feeling of relaxation and well-being. .

To discover: 12 Tips for Staying Warm in Winter.

16. Take a "forest bath"

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

The shirin-yoku is a cultural concept unique to Japan, which literally means "forest bathing .

In our culture, this is what we would call a walk in the forest .

These Japanese researchers have measured the changes in our body after 20 minutes of walking in a picturesque forest...

A forest with its woody scents and the gentle cooing of the streams that wind through it.

The results of their study indicate that walks in the forest decrease levels of hormones associated with stress.

Moreover, this effect is significantly more pronounced in people who walk in the forest than in people who walk in an urban environment.

To discover: 7 Traditions That Don't Exist in France, But You Should Adopt!

17. Learn “mindfulness” meditation

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Originating from Buddhism, this form of meditation is frequently used in therapy.

Thanks to its effectiveness, more and more doctors are using mindfulness meditation to treat patients with anxiety disorders.

One of them, Dr. Edenfield, is a clinical psychologist specializing in the psychological disorders of veterans.

According to her, “mindfulness meditation allows us to see each moment as it really is. , and not as one imagines it should be or fear it to be".

How to do ? To start, Dr. Edenfield suggests, “Consciously focus on the present moment, appealing to your sense of curiosity. Make an effort to observe the present moment , but without judging the present moment. »

To discover: Meditation:The 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits to Your Brain.

18. Breathe and ask yourself

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Here is another technique to develop your mindfulness.

When doing your breathing exercises, try to ask yourself simple questions that you need to answer.

Dr. Edenfield suggests, “Start by getting settled in a comfortable place. Close your eyes and focus completely on your breathing. Now, in your mind, ask yourself simple questions, while remaining focused on each exhale and inhale. »

What type of question?

For example:what is the temperature of the air when you breathe in through your nose?

How does it feel when the air leaves your lungs?

And when the air fills your lungs, how do you feel?

19. Praise yourself for realizing your anxiety

19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.

Do you have anxious thoughts? Well done! Congratulations on that!

Why ? Because it means you're aware your emotional state.

It is important to know your state of stress to avoid a burn out or a state of generalized anxiety.

However, according to Dr. Edenfield, becoming aware of our emotional state is the first step in reducing anxiety.

She specifies:“don't forget to congratulate yourself for having realized that you are anxious at a moment T and that you have realized the associated physiological changes.

This awareness is truly an essential thing that one must learn to recognize, in order to progress towards the next stages of healing such as positive internal dialogue, cognitive restructuring or techniques of mindfulness and relaxation. »

There you go, now you know the natural remedies to fight against anxiety :-)

Of course, there is no miracle solution.

But it is better not to take Atarax syrup, Seroplex, Propanolol sold in pharmacies.

These drugs are dangerous and can even lead to drug addiction.

It is therefore best to avoid taking it.

It is better to favor relaxing and tranquilizing natural products (bach flowers, infusion, herbal tea) or alternative solutions (sophrology, homeopathy) to cure chronic anxiety.

Your turn...

And you ? Are you sometimes anxious? If so, did you know these techniques to fight against anxiety ? Have you ever tried them? Tell us what you think about it in the comments. We can't wait to read you! :-)