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My 4 Free Remedies for Everyday Ailments.

My 4 Free Remedies for Everyday Ailments.

With my 4 free remedies, not only can many common symptoms be cured easily , saving money, but in addition we avoid swallowing a whole bunch of drugs.

1. Bicarbonate for stomach aches and digestion

One remedy for several symptoms, I say yes. The bicarbonate has been in my medicine cabinet for a long time. It alone replaces medication against nausea, stomach aches due to acidity, and helps digestion.

For all these symptoms, 1 teaspoon is enough of this magic powder diluted in water . For recurring digestive problems, the ideal is to take this remedy before meals for a few days. Result:no more nausea or acid reflux. Digestion is gentle.

My savings:

- A drug like Rennie costs €5 per box, for 9 days of treatment.

- Bicarbonate will cost you €0.54 for the same duration.

- Or €4.46 in savings for one treatment.

- Or €22.30 annual savings, if these symptoms occur about 5 times a year.

2. Lemon and honey against colds

There, no hesitation! When the cold hits, I fight it with a grandma trick that works every time. I drink a lemon-honey herbal tea that I prepare in 30 seconds, then I wrap myself in a large towel and get under the duvet to sweat. To find out more, read Anaïs' tip by clicking here.

Lemon is antiseptic, and honey softens, which explains the effectiveness of this remedy.

My savings:

- A medicine such as Humex Cold costs an average of €5.45 for a 4-day treatment.

- Honey and lemon return for 4 days on average at €1.50.

- Or €3.95 in savings for one treatment.

- Or €19.75 annual savings, for 5 colds per year.

3. White vinegar against canker sores and toothache

White vinegar has many virtues, we often talk about it. It is a radical way to calm oral pain, because it is antiseptic:

- For canker sores:apply it directly with a cotton swab .

- For toothaches:make a mouthwash.

My savings:

- A medicine such as Eludril costs €8.95 for 500 ml.

- 500 ml of white vinegar costs just €0.25.

- Or a saving for one bottle per year of €8.70.

4. Mint, rosemary or lavender for headaches

Transient migraines, sudden headaches, even if they don't last, are painful. In these cases, I use these herbs, aromatics or essential oils rather than a medicine bought in a pharmacy.

I infuse leaves rosemary or mint, or essential oil of lavender in hot water, then I do inhalations. These plants stop headaches because they are calming and soothing.

My savings:

- A drug such as Doliprane costs around €2 for a box of 8 tablets, for 2 days.

- My lavender essential oil, which is the most expensive product of the 3, costs me €2.99 for the whole year.

- For 10 periods of headaches per year, I save €16.01 .


- Bicarbonate is slightly salty, therefore incompatible with certain diets. Seek advice from your doctor to consume.

- Toothaches will be relieved here, but have your cavities treated by your dentist.

- Finally, if the problems persist, again consult your doctor .

Total annual savings

€22.30 + €19.75 + €8.70 + €16.01 =€66.76 .

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